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About Karen

Who is Karen Marvel?

Attorney Karen L. Marvel is a native San Antonian who still roots for her high school teams and the teams where her children graduated from high school. She loves everything about our city.

In practice, she is a practical family law attorney who understands the challenges her clients are facing. There are some fights worth fighting and there are some fights that won’t help. She brings out-of-the-box solutions to her clients, from mediation to the courtroom. She is compassionate, humorous, and not afraid to tell the truth.

Bexar County Mediator
Why does experience matter?

Karen is also a law nerd. Some of her friends call her a “walking Family Code” because of the way she reads and absorbs the law.

Karen is revered in the Bexar County family law system for hermore than 2 decades of family law experience. Karen has had cases involving child support reach the Texas Supreme Court.

Karen has had over 250 child support family law cases in her career. No one is more prepared to discuss the boundaries of the law with your problem solving, in mediation, than Karen Marvel.

Do you need a Board Certified attorney for your Mediation?

Do you NEED one? No. Should you have one? Absolutely.

Karen heralds taking and passing the Board Certification test with being a pivotal moment in honing all of her skills as a family law attorney. She prepared for the hardest exam of her life with 3 children under the age of 10… and passed.

Karen also has connections all throughtout Bexar County. She’s an attorney’s attorney. Her knowledge of the vast personalities and landscape will allow her to help you settle your case.